Scenes from an Italian Restaurant

SarahBeth Wheeler: Core Curriculum Program in Barcelona, Spain- Summer 2019 It was a hot day in Barcelona the day I arrived with 40+ Auburn students and staff. The airport was hot, the bus ride was hot, and standing in line to get assigned our rooms was, well, hot. We were all incredibly jet-lagged and trying…

My Last Day in Madrid.

Amanda Krawczyk: AU Liberal Arts – Summer Program in Madrid, Spain Summer 2019 One of the most bittersweet moments is the final full day of your study abroad program. My friends and I wanted to make the most of our time left on the program, so we packed our last day with every activity imaginable….

21st Birthdays in Italy!

Adan Youngblood: AU Architecture, Design, and Construction- Spring Program in Rome, Italy Spring 2019 One of my favorite parts of studying abroad in Italy was not only getting to experience the amazing culture, architecture, and history of Rome, but getting to travel to multiple other Italian cities as well! During my time abroad, I was…