Unexpected Journeys

Ally McElwee: AU Human Sciences – Joseph S. Bruno in Ariccia, Italy Spring 2021 If someone told me a year ago that I would be going on the Joseph S. Bruno program, I would not have believed them. I am very much a planner and like to have everything in my life laid out in…

A Weekend in Barcelona

Rylin McArthur: AU Business — Fast Track Business Major Core Program in Rome, Italy and Madrid, Spain, Summer 2022 While studying abroad in Madrid, my friends and I decided to visit Barcelona during one of our free travel weekends. I had heard mixed reviews about Barcelona, but I was extremely excited to experience the city…

Speaking French in France

Kennadi Jackson: IES Abroad in the South of France Summer 2022 When I first began learning French in middle school, I never would have imagined that I would have an opportunity to use my language skills in France. This past summer I studied abroad with a non-auburn program, IES Abroad, in the South of France….

Flight to the Top of the World

Maggie Propst: AU Human Sciences – Summer Program in Kathmandu, Nepal Summer 2022 Before I even left on the plane to Nepal, I knew this would be one of the only chances that I had in my lifetime to ever see Mt. Everest. And then once we arrived in Nepal, the Everest flight was something…