The peptide synthesis facility at Auburn University provides a cost effective method to produce custom peptides less than 100 amino acids in length. Housed within Dr. Elizabeth Lipke’s laboratory in Wilmore Labs 183, it is equipped with an Aapptec Apex 396 solid-phase peptide synthesizer. Fitted with 8-well and 96-well reaction blocks, the facility can prepare large batches, small batches, or entire libraries of designated peptides. Using the 8-well block, approximately 300 mg of peptide can be synthesized per well; approximately 30 mg per well using the 96-well block. Synthesis time ranges from 1-3 days, depending on peptide length. Synthesis knowledge is helpful, but not necessary, as the facility provides a trained technician to manage the process.  Auburn University pricing can be calculated using the downloadable spreadsheet; costs include a per synthesis charge plus sliding costs for solvents and expendables. If this is your first time to use the facility, please use the contact form at the side of the page before filing a time on the schedule.